What the Ek? Prey-ing for Birds

Jinx Yengst likes to read about the cardinals, finches, and other birds in his dog- (eh, cat-) eared Golden Guide: Birds. Not only does he like to learn about them as he watches from his favorite cat seat, but he also likes to chirp—or is it chatter? chitter? trill? Or is he reading aloud toContinue reading “What the Ek? Prey-ing for Birds”

Fostering a New Habit

Any cat can tell you that a comfortable habit is hard to break. Miss Kitty, for example, loves to lounge on the lanai with a favorite book.  Not that she has the time to read it, mind you. She’d like to, but life is complicated. There are so many other things to do, you know.Continue reading “Fostering a New Habit”

A New View of Old Birds

While engaged in her favorite pastime of backyard birdwatching, Miss Kitty found herself distracted by a copy of Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird that I had left for Tania and Nancy, Kitty’s humans. Naturally assuming it was a field guide to her fine-feathered friends, Kitty pawed through the pages. Finding neither pictures nor plates, however,Continue reading “A New View of Old Birds”

Stalking the Shadow of Giants

The last time I talked with my friend Sharyn Tufts, she told me that her feline housemate Louie was so enthralled with Gerald Ciccarone’s The Shadow of Giants that he insisted she share the premise of the book with our readers. The Shadow of Giants is the first book in Ciccarone’s Millennium’s Gate trilogy, aContinue reading “Stalking the Shadow of Giants”

All That Remains Is to Read

Mickey, who lives with Nancy and Rick Blanchett, is enjoying his copy of All That Remains, a collection of my short stories, now available on Amazon for $1.99. But he got his copy free by visiting http://www.PattiMWalsh.com. That’s right. Free. All That Remains is a book about ordinary—and some extraordinary—folks overcoming adversity. From the brokenheartedContinue reading “All That Remains Is to Read”