COVID-19, Meet Godzilla

Cats, like dogs and other animals, pick up on anxiety and other stressors in their homes. So when I noticed Nina diligently studying the coronavirus online, I realized that this was an apt time to update our emergency preparedness, particularly our Godzilla bag. That’s what Bob calls the satchel we can grab and go ifContinue reading “COVID-19, Meet Godzilla”

Approaching a Chronic Health Problem: Easy as 1, 2, 3

When your cat is diagnosed with a chronic health problem, you are often faced with the daunting process of balancing state-of-the art medical options with quality-of-life preferences. My journey into the world of specialized veterinary care began with a single step. A semi-annual well-kitty visit revealed that Ron, a 14-year-old black cat, had a cystContinue reading “Approaching a Chronic Health Problem: Easy as 1, 2, 3”